To view all posts in this series, click the following links: Now Live: Store & Organize Art Supplies: Paint Tubes & Bottles Store & Organize Art Canvases, Paper, & Sketchbooks Coming soon: Store & Organize Finished Art Pieces Store & Organize Stencils ... READ the POST
5 Ways To Store & Organize Your Art Canvases, Paper, & Sketchbooks
Have you ever came home from your favorite art supply store, after the "mother-sale-of-them-all" and wondered where you were going to stash your new goods? How can you ever get all these art supplies organized? We all know there will be no beautiful art without canvases, sketchbooks, and paper. ... READ the POST
How To Store and Organize Art Supplies: Quick & Easy DIY
Creative people tend to have a plethora of supplies. We collect things that speak to us, we buy new supplies because we like to try new things, we save things because we think it may come in useful one day. Before we know it, we have a lot of art supplies all around us and no room to create. Sound ... READ the POST