I’m republishing a post from two years ago because December is my birthday month. My Facebook feed reminded me that at this time, two years ago, I was painting 40 paintings for my 40th birthday (ya, I’m about to turn 42). I also came up with 40 random acts of kindness to do in our community. It was a big birthday and I’m grateful that I made it a big deal. A great memory!
Looking back on 2 years ago . . .
40 Paintings + 40 RAKs for My 40th Birthday
Bella Grace Magazine is one of the most inspiring and beautiful magazines I’ve ever read. The pages have tons of color, cool graphics, and amazing stories. I celebrated my 40th birthday this past December. I decided to give away 40 paintings + do 40 random acts of kindness (RAK). I’m grateful to share that the article is featured in the current issue of Bella Grace Magazine (sept/oct/nov, 2015): 40 Ways to Spread Kindness “Over the Hill”
In the article, I explain how I wanted to do something meaningful for my birthday and felt strongly to do more giving than receiving. I started on Pinterest and pinned several ideas. I made a list of RAK and also gave away all 40 paintings that I had just finished painting.
Read the full article to learn how I parted with the paintings and which random acts of kindness did NOT go so well! You can find Bella Grace Magazine at your local Barnes & Noble or order online at www.bellagracemagazine.com.
They do a wonderful job with this magazine. There are SO MANY inspiring stories in every issue. It’s one of my favorite!
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