I just want you to know that you're not alone on your #girlboss journey.
It begins like this: I have an idea! I want to use my creative talents, follow my passions, make cool stuff, sell it online, and live happily ever after. You quit your day job or you decide to make your hobby a career or some other form of this. You pack your bags and embark on the bumpy path of becoming a creative entrepreneur. Lots of people do it. I'll figure it out.
You're right. You really will figure it out, but not before you've gone through all the steps and emotions that are required to get there. Is it worth it? Heck yes it is! I wouldn't be writing this if I didn't think so and want to encourage all of you to hang in there and go for it!
I know that I feel more alone than I thought I would. The learning curve and time needed are huge! I'm creating less so that I can learn more. It's necessary, really. I've taken ecourses, read books, and asked several successful entrepreneurs and they all say, "Yes, dear. That's part of it." It's temporary, though.
I just had to put something out there to let you know that whether we are in your office with you or virtually in entrepreneur-land, we are supportive of your efforts and encouraging you to keep going. It's hard, but it's so fun and awesome too.
Read the story of my journey here
Here's something you can print out, just in case you need the reminder 😉
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